TFT Items
TFT contains a variety of items to use on your champions. Equipping these items can provide a major advantage over other players. Below you will find a list of all available items in the game. Click on an item to explore its details.

B. F. Sword

Berserker's Axe

Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King


Bramble Vest

Celestial Orb

Chain Vest

Chalice of Favor

Dark Star's Heart


Demolitionist's Charge

Dragon's Claw

Force of Nature

Frozen Heart

Frozen Mallet

Giant Slayer

Giant's Belt

Guardian Angel

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Hand Of Justice

Hextech Gunblade

Inferno's Cinder

Infiltrator's Talons

Infinity Edge

Ionic Spark

Jeweled Gauntlet

Last Whisper

Locket of the Iron Solari

Luden's Echo

Mages Cap


Needlessly Large Rod

Negatron Cloak

Protector's Chestguard


Rabadon's Deathcap

Rapid Firecannon

Rebel Medal

Recurve Bow

Red Buff


Runaan's Hurricane

Seraph's Embrace

Shroud of Stillness

Sparring Gloves


Spear of Shojin

Star Guardian's Charm

Statikk Shiv

Sword Breaker

Talisman of Light

Tear of the Goddess

Thief's Gloves

Titan's Resolve

Trap Claw

Warden's Mail

Warmog's Armor

Youmuu's Ghostblade

Zeke's Herald


Zz'Rot Portal