All allies gain Attack Speed every 8/3.5/1.5 seconds.
(2) 15% Attack Speed
(4) 35% Attack Speed
(6) 75% Attack Speed
Blademasters' Basic Attacks have a chance to trigger two additional attacks against their target.
These additional attacks deal damage like Basic Attacks and trigger on-hit effects.
(3) 30% Chance to trigger
(5) 60% Chance to trigger
(9) 90% Chance to trigger
- Cost
- 2
- Health
- 800
- Damage Per Second
- 42
- Armor
- 35
- Magic Resistance
- 20
- Damage
- 60
- Attack Speed
- 0.7
- Range
- 1
- Crit Chance
- 0.25
- Crit Multiplier
- 1.5